Plugins for Vectorworks


My name is Jean Baptiste Trystram, I'm a French designer currently living and working in Berlin, Germany. For over 20 years I have used Vectorworks™ , right back to the days when it started as Minicad. I like this software for its' ability to carry out a wide variety of tasks with precision, good graphics features and a useful selection of tools. I was always attracted by the possibility of customizing the software so I started to write some small/short scripts to create tools for myself and more specific, complicated scripted tools for large companies.
I work in a wide variety of fields encompassing architecture, event- and product design, scenography and exhibition design. So being an end-user and somebody who loves to draw I have a very hands on appreciation of the software and the uses to which it can be put. I also provide training courses in Vectorworks. more about my other activities ...

About Plugins

I always thought I should build a web site to sell my plugins. It would allow me to put more work into them, make them more powerful, safer and better at an affordable price. Here we are!
I try to make plugins that makes it faster to draw things we often need to draw or draw things that will be difficult to realize otherwise. The possibility to modify or adapt things precisely is also very important for me.
I already have the ideas for the next ten plugins, some are ready as functional sketches that now need to be finished and made ready for publishing. And some are still little sprouts...
All the plugins come in three languages: English, French and German. I will be developing and improving the current three plugins and any feedback or request for desired features would be welcome.

Order the plugins


If you want to order the plugins send me an email at with all necessary informations (name, adress, VAT number…).
I will send you an invoice per email and as soon as I get paid you will receive the plugins at the same email address.

This are not standalone software but just extends the functionalities of Vectorworks. You need to have Vectorworks installed in your computer with the adequate version to have this plugins working.
This plugins are supposed to be used with only one license of Vectorwork, so if you are an office and want to use the plugins on many computers, buy more than one licence. This will be fair and help me to develop the next plugins which will be just as good (2 for 3-4 users, 4 for 10 users for ex.).

These plugins are copyrighted. Your are not allowed to sell or give any of my plugins without my authorization. You can modify them for your own use.

Si vous voulez commander les plugins, envoyer moi un courriel ( avec les informations nécessaires (Nom, adresse, N° de TVA intracommunautaire…).
Je vous enverrai une facture avec mes coordonnées bancaires. Dès réception du paiement, je vous enverrai les plugins à la même adresse.

Ces plugins ne sont pas des logiciels a part entière mais des extensions du logiciel VectorWorks qui doit être installé dans la version adéquat pour les faire fonctionner .
Ces plugins sont destiné à être utilisé avec une licence Vectorworks à la fois. Si vous êtes une agence et utilisez mes plugins sur plusieurs ordinateurs, merci d'en acheter plusieurs. Vous contribuerez ainsi aux développement de nouveaux plugins et l'amélioration de ceux existant. (2x pour 3-4 utilisateurs, 4 pour 10 par ex.)

Ces plugins sont protégés par le droit d'auteur. vous n'êtes pas autorisé à les vendre ou les donner à des tiers sans mon consentement explicite. vous pouvez les modifier pour votre usage personel.

Wenn Sie die Plugins bestellen wollen senden Sie mir eine Email ( mit nötige Informationen (Name, Adresse, UmSt ID…).
Ich werde ihnen eine Rechnung mit meine Bankverbindung zuschicken. Solange diese beglichen ist, sende ich ihnen die Plug-ins an die gleiche Email Adress.

Diese Plugins sind keine eigenständige Software sondern Erweiterungen für das Programm VectorWorks. Die passende Version von VectorWorks muss installiert sein um diese Plugins benützen zu können.
Diese Plugins sind nur für eine Lizenz bestimmt. Wenn sie eine grosse Agentur oder Büro sind und diese an mehrere Arbeitsplätze benützen wollen, müssen sie mehrere Lizenz kaufen. Sie helfen mir dabei neue Software zu entwickeln und die vorhandenen zu verbessern.
Der zweite Lizenz ist bereit 50% billiger.
Wenn Sie mehrere Lizenz kaufen wollen aber erst mit eine probieren, werde ich Ihnen der entsprechende Rabatt berechnen.

Diese Plugins sind Urheberrecht geschützt. Sie dürfen diese Plug-ins ohne mein Zustimmung nicht weiter verkaufen oder verschenken.

The plugins

See a video of the tools in use.

All tools are in one video and that makes it a bit long. Use the slider to go to the description of the plugin you like to see. Some new functionalities are not described.

These two plugins draw closed double-lines polygons, each on a different ways. The Ribbon by points object is as simple to use as the polygon tool. With the Ribbon by dimensions you define the form by values. Both give options like thickness, radius, as volume, unfold.

VectorWorks 2014 & + (english, french & german)

25€ ( 21,01€ + 3,99€ VAT 19%)

The calendar plugins makes fully customizable calendars. Just draw a square, set a starting date, a duration and it is there. Set what you like to see, days, weeks, months , years.

Vectorworks 2014 & + (english, french & german)

Python script (you need python 3 to be installed)

20€ ( 16,81€ + 3,19€ VAT 19%)

The Panel Wizard is a sequencer for lines, circles, rectangles or symbols. It can do simple things like dividing a sheet layer in 3 rows (with gutter) or building a fence in 3d. Its based on sequences of spaces that can be combined together.

Vectorworks 2014 & + (english, french & german)

20€ ( 16,81€ + 3,19€ VAT 19%)

Some Goodies

A PDF How to install plugins.

Stacks Image 2849

An icon for Vectorworks tools set.
(Workspace editor)

Stacks Image 2856

A plug-in ‘spirographe’ that draw nice and useless graphics.

Stacks Image 2863

Last update: 26 august 2015